Alright. So this is Mu webpage for computer science 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of actually coding with words
and it is most likely not my last. The class is a pain 99% of
the time simply coding, but still fun nonetheless.

About Page

Project #1

In this project, we learned the very basics of visual studio.
That all I can say about this project really.

Mailing label

Project #2

In this project, we made a simple mailing label for simple people...
I really cant say much about this one honestly, except textboxes.

Car Rental

Project #3

In this project, we created a form specifically made for filling out an order to rent a car. It did create a decent challenge for me. So there's that.

BMI Measurer

Project #4

In this project, we coded a calculator for measuring the user's BMI.
BMI is calculated by dividing someone's weight by their height squared.
We also gave the user dietary recomendations based on their BMI.

Car Rental Upgrade

Project #5

In this project, we upgraded our car rental program... thats it.

Triangle Checker

Project #6

In this project, we coded a program made to check if a triangle is valid or not. If the triangle is valid we had to also check if the triangle is equilateral, obtuse, or isoceles, and if it is acute, obtuse, or scalene.

Craps Game

Project #7

In this project, we coded a simple craps game. We also learned how to use random number generators.

Taco Shop

Project #8

In this program we made a taco shop... I hated this program.

Slot machine

Project #9

In this program we made a slot machine... this was a beath of fresh air.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Game

Project #10

In this program we made the ea verson of rock paper scissors, pay $99 for lizard and spock... I like this one.

Clicker game.

Project #11

In this program we created a clicker game... I also like this one.

Fish Tank.

Project #12

In this program, we used arrays to create a fish tank. The tank in question is just a line, but it works anyway.

Simple Board Game.

Project #13

In this program, we crated a simple board game. I added a combat system to mine to add a depth of strategy.

2d Submarines

Project #14

In this program, we used 2d arrays to make a program where you move a submarine. I'd like the project more if we could've flipped the images

Tic Tac Toe

Project #15

In this program, we just created tic tac toe. My version was based off of a mobile game my dad made called tic tac chance, it's not on the app store anybore.

Basic AI

Project #16

In this program, we created a game with a player and an enemy. Just be aware that my version is pretty broken.

Advanced AI

Project #17

In this program, we updraded our Basic Ai programs to have items, sound, and be a top down shooter. I quite like this one.

Fishing Game

Project #18

In this program, we created a crudely made fishing simulator. This was TORTURE to create.

Math Menu

Project #19

In this program, we created a calculator for various math functions. This wasn't as bad as the fishing game



Well... this was my final project. In this program, I created a simple arcade top down shooter where you well... shoot ghosts. It's a demo, and I should defenitely finish this project. You really have to play it for yourself to fully understand this project.