A quantum computer is a computer that is created to manipulate
quantum mechanics. They can solve calculations far faster than the average
modern computer, making them extremely useful for breaking commonly used
encryption schemes and helping plysicists preform physical simulations.
Quantum computing as a concept however is very expiremental, making them
somewhat impractical with a few obsticles to useful stuff.
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While your average joe computer uses bits for storage, quantum
computers have a special unit of information called a qubit. What makes
qubits so special is the fact that while a bit can only store zeros and ones,
qubits can be in a superposition of both zeros and ones. basically meaning it
can be both at once. Quantum computuers can also manipulate qubits to increase
increase the odds of the best results. The main problem with qubits is that
they are very complicated to engineer and use. They have to be isolated in a
certain way to get the correct results, and that of itself is no easy task.
Like all other computers, quantum computers can solve computaional
probmlems, except much faster. Studies show that quantum computers can solve
some quantum algorithms much faster than the best not-quantum computers. They
can in theory solve stuff that the average computer can solve in days or
something. They're not faster in everything however, tasks like sorting
are done eaqually as fast as a work pc.
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