Welcome! This is an archive of all of my projects form GITA 2. I decided to take this
class just because I wanted to continue learning how to "code with words" as I put it.
This class is mostly centered around how to create websites, and how to code them. Iv'e
never been into web design before this but It's actually kind of enjoyable making websites
as an elective. Thank you for reading this. Click on the images to check out the projects
ChatGPT Project
This was a project assigned to us at the beginning of the year. It is a research
project about ChatGPT. We learned about the basics of html with this one.
Tech research Page
This was another research based project about a certain technology related topic
of our choice. We also had to create a website related to our topic. I chose quantum
computing as my topic, and I created a website based around it.
Business Card
This was a very simple project where we created a business card. I decided
to make mine as ugly as possible as a joke. Not much to say else here
For this project we created a collage of anything of our choice. I decided on
fans, as it was the first thing that popped in my head. I decided to make mine
look more like an art gallery than a collage. With little descriptions beneath
the pictures of fans.
This project was a design for a fake online shop. I chose to make a clothing
shop where I sell "gamer" shirts. This was the first time I actually used
javascript and a custom font not from google fonts. Pretty important i'd say.
This is a program where you play dice. There are some extra features like
a probability calculator. Not much else.
This is a remake of the dice program where instead of rolling dice, you
play craps. That's all i have to say.
Circle Bounce
For this project, we created an animation of two circles bouncing around
in a square. When the circles bounce into each other. They change colors.
This was the first time I used a canvas to animate the circles.
Basic Invaders
For this project, we created a basic space ivaders esc game where we
try to shoot an "invader" to lower it's health and kill it. I really
liked developing this project. So I decided to make my own upgrades,
basically adding a scoring and level system.
Tank Game
This is a simple game where we play as a tank and shoot a target
while a timer goes down. The game is over when the timer reaches zero,
(obviously). The game part was an upgrade, as the original project
was just a tank that we control.
Circle Bounce 2.0
This is a remake of the circle bounce project we did earlier. The
circles are assigned random sizes and speeds, and bounce around the
canvas. When the circles touch the white square. It changes color
until it leaves the square.
Submarine Game
This project is a game where you play as a submarine and try to
protect the red fish from the 25 black fish. When the black fish
touch the red fish, the red fish loses health. Once its health
reaches zero, the game is over. Your score increases by one every
second the red fish is alive. You can move left, right, and down
and you float up. When you touch the top or bottom, the game is
also over. You can also pass from one side to another.
Number Array
Circle Art
Research Page 2